Free yourself from stress and neurosis, and restore your efficiency!

Manage your life and career, and achieve success and happiness!
Accurate diagnosis of psycho-emotional problems for men and women (26+) with a unique test of autonomic nervous system:
  • More than 600 parameters of emotional and physical state waiting for you
  • 94% success rate in restoring emotional health, increasing stress tolerance and personal effectiveness
  • Improved well-being in as little as 3 weeks
75 EUR / 60 minutes
More advantageous with packages:

75 EUR 54 EUR

Free yourself from stress and neurosis, and restore your efficiency!

Manage your life and career, and achieve success and happiness!
Accurate diagnosis of psycho-emotional problems for men and women (26+) with a unique test of autonomic nervous system:
  • More than 600 parameters of emotional and physical state waiting for you
  • 94% success rate in restoring emotional health, increasing stress tolerance and personal effectiveness
  • Improved well-being in as little as 3 weeks
75 EUR / 60 minutes
More advantageous with packages:

75 EUR 54 EUR
Entrust your mental and emotional well-being to professionals!

Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen! My name is Todor Milykh. I am a master's in clinical psychology specializing in treating neurosis (I am currently studying for my doctorate in medical school in the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry). I want to tell you how my team and I can help you solve your problems and bring harmony back into your life.

What is a neurosis? Neurosis is a mental illness that manifests itself through uncontrollable emotional reactions and behavioral changes. It can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, phobias, insomnia, and other unpleasant symptoms. Neurosis can mimic any illness! But don't despair because treating neurosis is possible!

My method is based on an individual approach to each patient, a deep understanding of the problem (a mathematical model of the autonomic nervous system), and using the most effective treatments (impulse-color therapy).

I will help you understand the causes of your emotional problems and create the most effective emotional management tool available today - a personal course of impulse-color therapy. I am ready to work with you throughout treatment and support you in difficult moments. I am also convinced that everyone has the right to a healthy and happy life, and I will be glad to help you achieve this goal!

Overcome stress, anxiety, and uncertainty: start living a happy and fulfilling life today!

Are you tired of constant stress, anxiety, and insecurity? Do you want to live a happy and fulfilling life? Then now is the time to get to the bottom of your problems and find solutions! Look through all the categories carefully and be honest about what's bothering you. Only honesty will allow us to find the perfect solution for you. Don't put off your happiness for later - let's start now!
Feelings, thoughts, experiences
(anxiety, anger, resentment, stress)
Relationships, communication, personal life, family
(dissatisfaction with relationships, loneliness, infidelity, betrayal)
Self-esteem, relationship with oneself, self-confidence
(finding oneself, complexes)
Self-development and personal effectiveness
(potential, abilities, management of their resources: time, money, forces)
Work, professional fulfillment, finances
(career guidance, burnout, job loss)
Behavior and actions
(control of emotions, strange actions, destructive behavior)
(age crises, life crisis situation)
Loss, trauma, violence
(loss of a loved one, childhood trauma, domestic violence)
Bad habits and addictions
(habits, drugs, overeating)
Body, physical and mental health, symptoms
(pregnancy, cancer, sexuality)
SN - symptom of neurosis
TN - trigger of neurosis
You have: SN = 0 / TN = 0

Free yourself from the shackles of neurosis and regain control of your life!

Now for the most important information! All of the things you mentioned are symptoms or triggers of neurosis! Neurosis is a functional neuropsychiatric disorder caused by exposure to stressors and psycho-traumatic factors without organic damage to the central nervous system. It is essential to understand that the nervous system is constantly exposed to the influence of various irritants. The problematic situation in the family or at work, instability in world politics and the economy, natural and man-made disasters, financial problems - all these factors drop by drop, eroding the nervous system. Constant overexertion and overwork weaken the nervous system and lead to neuroticism.

As a result, people lose personal effectiveness and control over life in general!

A person with neurosis goes to doctors and takes pills, attends psychotherapy, or personal growth coaches who promise to teach him how to control his emotions and "remove" his psychosomatics. But all this will not be effective. The symptoms of illness and psychological problems will not be resolved and will begin to return repeatedly.

According to medical statistics, 7 out of 10 people on the planet suffer from neurosis! But what's worse, everyone is at risk!

Sign up for an online test to receive a personalized regimen for your health and psychological issues.

Welcome to the world of healing and harmony!

You've found exactly what you were looking for! Welcome to a world of innovative mental wellness technology that will change your life completely! Our team of experienced experts has been successfully fighting neurosis and psychosomatic illnesses since 1989. We offer you a unique software package that restores psycho-emotional health with impulses of color!

Do not confuse our technology with color therapy (chromotherapy) out of ignorance!

What makes our technology so effective?

The critical component of the technology is a personal model of the autonomic nervous system. This model calculates color perception distortion parameters associated with various psycho-emotional illnesses. When these parameters are known, we can accurately calculate an individual set of color waves that corrects these distortions while reducing physical and mental symptoms of illness, such as bad mood, aggressiveness, anger, sadness, fear, apathy, etc. This technology results from in-depth research and scientific discoveries made by our scientists. In 2002, the technology was certified and approved, confirming its effectiveness and safety.

What makes our technology especially valuable?

The value of the technology lies in its environmental friendliness - it is utterly devoid of the harmful side effects of pharmacy drugs and does not require their use! It is the safest and most natural solution to improve health on all levels, based on the principles of body self-regulation.

The efficiency of our non-contact diagnostic and recovery technology is an incredible 94%

Our technology is based on a deep understanding of the relationship between the physical and mental state, which is why our approach is so practical. 

Color will help you regain control of your life, find inner harmony, and restore personal effectiveness, all with minimal financial outlay!

As for the results, you won't have to wait long. You will notice the first positive changes in 3 to 4 weeks of work with our technology. You will feel your well-being improving, your emotions becoming more stable, and your psychosomatic manifestations decreasing. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain health and harmony without paying too much! Contact us now to begin your healing journey!

Sign up for an online test to receive a personalized regimen for your health and psychological issues.

The algorithm for solving your problem: testing, awareness, transformation!


Testing is a crucial step in discovering the root of your psycho-emotional problem. It provides valuable mathematical data needed to calculate your autonomic nervous system model. This model helps to pinpoint the distortions in your color perception associated with your problem and develop a personalized therapy regimen.

PDF Explanation

The PDF transcript is essential for self-examining test results and understanding one's psycho-emotional problems. It allows you to get a detailed interpretation of the data in a convenient format, which helps you better understand yourself, your emotions, and your psychological state. Unique knowledge promotes self-awareness and opens up new possibilities for personal development.

Consultation of a psychologist (2 hours!)

An experienced clinical psychologist provides a unique opportunity for an extended review of test results. This allows a deeper and more accurate analysis of the psycho-emotional aspects, revealing hidden factors and their influence on your well-being. Working with a psychologist provides the opportunity to receive individualized recommendations. This is a valuable resource for personal growth, self-awareness, and the development of psychological well-being.


Impulse-color therapy is an effective method to help restore psycho-emotional balance, control emotions, maintain physical health and achieve desired goals. This approach uses colors to stimulate specific areas of the brain, which helps to achieve mental harmony and improve well-being.

To solve the problem, you need to choose one of 3 packages of psychological services:
Package of psychological services 144
  • Testing
  • Impulse-color therapy
EUR 144*
* Save 21 EUR on the cost of testing
Package of psychological services 234
  • Testing
  • PDF transcript
  • Impulse-color therapy
EUR 234*
* Save 21 EUR on the cost of testing
Package of psychological services 394
  • Testing
  • PDF transcript
  • Consultation of a psychologist
  • Impulse-color therapy
EUR 394*

* Saving 76 EUR: 21 EUR on the cost of testing + 55 EUR on the cost of consultation.

What results can you expect? Restore mental balance, eliminate stress, and find a new quality of life!
  • You will understand what you need to change in life, how to act further to improve the situation;
  • Immediately you will get a good result (in 3 weeks/75-80% of clients note improvement!), and you will understand what steps you need to take regularly to fix it;
  • Deal with your emotions and make friends with them (emotions don't like control!);
  • Transform yourself, i.e., become a better version of yourself;
  • Look at your problems with different "eyes" - calmly and rationally. In this state, you are sure to find the right solution;
  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • Get rid of insecurity, of the "not beautiful body/appearance" complex;
  • Get your health back / Get your sleep back / "erase" the effects of stress;
  • Fill up with energy and restore yourself;
  • Stop overeating/stress eating;
  • As a consequence, you will remove excess fat and "make" a beautiful body;
  • Get rid of depression and bad moods;
  • You will cope with anxiety and find peace of mind;
  • You will get rid of the fear of people, and you will begin to communicate with them calmly;
  • Stop whining and getting hysterical, feeling sorry for yourself, feeling weak;
  • Get rid of disappointment in people/"erase" resentment against them;
  • Get rid of attacks of aggression and hopelessness ("dead end in life");
  • You will regain the joy and meaning of life;
  • Take back control of your life and career;
  • You'll start to live a high life: easy and free!
Typically, by the 3rd week of therapy, 75-80% of clients report a significant improvement in their condition! Would you like to achieve the same results?
Sign up for an online test to receive a personalized regimen for your health and psychological issues.
Our customers' success stories: Find out how we changed their lives!
Color impulses helped me change my mood and switch to brighter, more positive thoughts. Over time, I noticed that sadness and longing were overwhelming me less and less. Color impulses became my companions in the healing process, helping me to release the heaviness of sadness and tune into a more positive frame of mind. Of course, impulse-color therapy takes work and patience. However, the fantastic results are worth the effort! Now I feel more joy and inner harmony. My life has really changed, thank you!
Carmen Lopez (42, Madrid, Spain)
During therapy, I used color impulses that helped me to switch from anxious thoughts to something more positive and calming. Colors played a crucial role in changing my inner state and refocusing my attention. I gradually noticed that the anxious, intrusive thoughts began to diminish and stopped triggering my emotional response. However, impulse-color therapy requires patience and practice. With constant use, I saw a gradual improvement in my condition...
Sophia Müller (41, Berlin, Deutschland)
I suffered from panic attacks for a long time, which disrupted my daily functioning and limited my freedom. The feeling of unpredictability and loss of control was extremely frightening. However, I noticed a significant improvement after I started using impulse color therapy. The colors were a powerful tool to help me cope with the intrusive thoughts and physical symptoms of panic. Over time, I noticed that the frequency and severity of my panic attacks decreased significantly. I became more confident in my ability to control the situation and not let panic take over...
Emily Johnson (35, New York City, United States)
I felt constant fatigue and a lack of energy for a long time, which affected my physical and emotional state. I began to feel lethargic and indifferent to the world around me. Color impulses became a source of inspiration and positive energy for me. After 3 weeks, I began to feel more active and energetic. The color pulses became a "recharge" for me, which helped me to recover and cope with everyday tasks.
Benjamin Mitchell (51, Los Angeles, USA)
This therapy became a real salvation for me, helped me to cope with emotional tension, and helped me to establish more harmonious relations in the family. The strained relations with my relatives harmed my emotional state. For a long time, I experienced stress, frustration, and anger when faced with conflicts and misunderstandings in the family. But I learned how to manage my emotions thanks to impulse color therapy. I learned how to manage my stress and anger because impulses of color are as calming as Prozac. The calm state helps show patience in conflict situations, contributing to a deeper understanding between all family members.
Jivka Nikolova (45, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things we can face. Grief and sorrow are overwhelming; sometimes, we can never cope with this feeling of heartache and longing. Pulse Color Therapy has been a real salvation for me. Pulses of color became my way of communicating with "black" emotions. They allowed me to begin the process of acceptance and healing. Impulse Color Therapy supported me in getting through this challenging time in my life and helped me cope with grief. This therapy helped me to keep the memory of my loved one alive and, gradually, to find the inner strength to go on living without him...
Isabella Conte (37, Milan, Italy)
Color therapy is a convenient treatment method that does not require a trip to the hospital or a line to the doctor. In the first year of treatment, I could quit smoking and get rid of years of drug addiction, even though before, I was constantly going to pharmacies in search of miracle drugs and finding myself sick! In the second year of treatment, I lost the extra weight - 22 kg! I have been using these programs for several years and recommend them to everyone.
Nikolay Petrov (35, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Impulse-color therapy became my salvation from insomnia. I used to suffer from constant trouble falling asleep and restless dreams. The color combinations allow me to relax and quiet my thoughts. They create a harmonious atmosphere and promote a night of deep and restful sleep. The color pulses have become my "magic ritual" before sleeping. After 4 weeks, I noticed a significant change in my sleep quality. I began to fall asleep more quickly and sleep soundly through the night. Restless dreams gradually disappeared, and I began to wake up feeling awake and rested. The pulse-color therapy helped me to restore normal sleep patterns and find inner peace.
Camille Leclerc (59 years old, Paris, France)
Sign up for autonomic nervous system testing
Buy at a discount of 21 EUR for 54 EUR as part of the package of psychological services
All colors
of life
Psychological Workshop By Todor Milykh (Master of Clinical Psychology (MCP))
  • Merbau Psychology LTD, 1000, Bulgaria, Sofia, Golo Bardo str. 16, office 5
  • +359-896-885-295
You alone are responsible for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by ordering our services, you agree not to try to hold us responsible for your decisions, actions or results at any time or under any circumstances. The results may be different on a case-by-case basis for each program participant. Be careful and always consult with your accountant, lawyer, physician or trusted professional advisor before taking steps related to changing your lifestyle, your business or your finances based on information from our website or communication with service advisors. You alone are responsible for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by registering here, you agree not to try to hold us responsible for your decisions, actions or results at any time or under any circumstances.

Online consultation
of a medical psychologist

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* I conduct online reception all over the world


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